
What You Do Hear are the Cries of Respect
"Name one war Germany has ever won" is what you hear whenever the Germans get uppity. This can be applied to the Muslim world ever since they failed to capture Vienna back in 1683 and were forced to negotiate the first war time settlement that wasn't in their favor since they began their military rampages in the 8th century. Since Vienna it has been all down hill for the Arabs. A 200 year period in which this backward and violent society could only use western weaponry, western tactics, and their own poisonous philosophy with which to wage war. The only thing the Arab Street respects is force. Absolute force applied violently and quickly. This Arab "attitude" has been pointed out by Bernard Lewis and more than a few scholars who are not allowed in the halls of Ivy or other "superior" academic settings; those places are happy to have Left Wing ideologues headed by Edward Said, a completely discredited "scholar", oraculate to students who cannot challenge him.

Don't worry about the Arab "Street". What you hear right now are the cries of respect. Love us? They don't even love themselves. Read the seminal work by Bernard Lewis if you haven't already done so.

As a personal aside here, many of us live by a mantra that goes: What you think of me is none of my business We cannot control what others think of us and it is stupid to run around trying to get others to "love us". The Democratic Party has the "Please, please love us" foreign policy goal. To put that moronic goal into being we would have to gut our Constitution and Bill of Rights of those things that the Arabs, Chinese, Castro, and every other tyrant on the face of the earth hates about us: Separation of Church and State, Freedom of (everything), and most especially the part where it says that every individual is "entitled"to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", something that exists in no other Constitution in the World. NOBODY wants their people to pursue happiness. Pursuing Happiness? You can't do that. That is trouble. I think we all have to realize how low the Democratic philosophy would have us stoop.

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